Europamagazin: Interview mit Geert Wilders (engl.) | Video der Sendung vom 12.02.2017 12:45 Uhr (12.2.2017) mit Untertitel
Interview mit Geert Wilders (engl.)
12.02.2017 ∙ Europamagazin ∙ Das Erste
"Let's make the Netherlands great again!", claims Dutch right wing populist Geert Wilders. Correspondent Markus Preiß (ARD-Studio Brussels) wanted to know what Wilders exactly means by that. He asked him that and many others question during an exclusive TV interview (English version). In the meanwhile Wilders corrected himself: He meant Theo van Gogh was murdered by a muslim. Not Pim Fortuyn.
Bild: ARD